Our Story
Meet Reginald Braxton, Founder and Creator
It’s A Lifestyle
Founder and Creator, “It’s a Lifestyle.”
Our founder, Reginald Braxton, is an avid runner. After several years of running Reggie realized that in order to be a strong and successful runner he needed to make it a lifestyle choice and commit to practice, practice, practice.
As he ran each day and pushed further and further along in his journey he actually began saying to himself, “It’s A Lifestyle, Baby!” The statement became Reggie’s mantra and was used as a basis for self-motivation. The constant positive lifestyle commitment was good for not only running, but for all Reggie endeavored to excel in.
Thus, the brand “It’s a Lifestyle” was born.

I Love to Read
Our founder, Reginald Braxton, has devoted many years to collaborating and working with educators across the country in an effort to close the education gap. Reggie has especially focused his attention on the need to advance reading proficiency amongst our youth. His most recent initiative and flagship offering under “It’s a Lifestyle” brand is the “I Love to Read” program.
As a young boy the importance of being able to read became apparent to Reggie. In his own words he shares an experience that greatly influenced him:
“As a child, my biggest inspiration to be a great reader came from my father. When I was very young and first learning to read, I was in the back seat of our station wagon with my younger brother and I began reading everything we passed. Anything that displayed words such as labels, signs, billboards, street names, etc. I recall my dad saying to my mother, “that boy sure can read.” My dad was not especially affectionate so receiving a compliment from him was a big moment for me. It made me eager to return to the classroom, learn more words, and be a better student. My dad’s recognition and praise meant everything and motivated me to improve.”
“My long time career in educational sales has allowed me to witness first hand the serious reading deficit amongst many of our youth.” “I have always wanted to be a part of the solution and worked over the years with educators to realize some success, however, it’s time for a new creative and much more exciting approach. I offer the “I Love to Read” initiative as the tool to help get our youth excited about reading and academic growth.”
Let’s try something different…
Teachers and administrators have a significant job and need our support. The “I Love to Read” program encourages collaboration with teachers, administrators, parents, and the community. When a comprehensive positive learning environment is put in place students feel the encouragement and support from all areas of influence. Collaboration, creativity, and cultural relevance are key factors in helping students recognize the importance of being a better student and a highly proficient reader.
It takes a committed and focused effort to help students adopt reading as a “lifestyle” choice.